Spas and Quarries - Best Western Blu Hotel Roma
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Spas and Quarries

Interesting to see in the Tiburtina area are certainly thermal complexes those are located along the main thoroughfares of the old road. A good example of this type of spa is located right along Via Tiburtina, situated in a strategic point in ancient Rome and next to an ancient Roman villa.

The spa is located on the south Nymphaeum of the furnaces and the ditch is the remains of a large public as a whole can still see the remains of the tabernae surrounding the two inputs. This complex dates back to the first century BC and had its major development in the imperial era.

The most important and well-known spa resort in the area is one that takes its name from one of the villas or estate of the Knight who is placed in the juncture between the ditch of the river Aniene and Fosso del Cavaliere. The complex dates from the third-fourth century A. D. and today is still visible the cistern used as a supply of water. A side is a fountain with a marble column and a short distance you can see both the caldarium coated with marble baths and the frigidarium.

At Tiburtina there is the sixth aqueduct of Rome, and wanted erected under the reign of Agrippa in 19 a. C. food that was going to the Campus Martius and the public to extend its thermal plant. The aqueduct is very important not only for the history that brings but also because it is the only one still functioning Roman aqueduct.

Seven slots are allocated between the ways that Tiburtine tufa quarries located on the right bank of the Aniene, the old quarry on blueberry, red tuff quarries, the quarries located on the lower Aniene linking to Pietralata. Of note are the quarries located on the left bank of the Aniene, the ancient quarry of tufa.
